Ich möchte kurz über mein erstes Treffen mit Lady Jose aus den Niederlanden berichten.
Ich habe mich am morgen auf den Weg von Hamburg nach Rotterdam gemacht.
Ja ein weiter Weg für eine Tracht Prügel...
Dafür gab es einen total lieben Empfang und es herrschte sofort eine sichere Atmosphäre...Lady Jose ist besonders freundlich und nimmt einem die Aufregung....man weiß ja... gleich gibt es Prügel...
Lady Jose sagt mir Sie werde mich streng aber mit liebe verhauen, weil kleine freche Jungs das so brauchen...
Gesagt getan ...ich habe eine wunderbare Tracht Prügel bekommen...über dem Knie ...auf dem Bett...Die Lady hat mich mit dem Gürtel nach Strich und Faden verdroschen(ca.1 Std gab es Prügel)...danke Lady Jose..
Zum Abschluss habe es den Popo eingecremt und wir haben uns bei einem Stück Kuchen sehr nett unterhalten...
Ich werde Lady Jose wieder besuchen und mir den Hintern grün und blau schlagen lassen...

Liebe Grüße aus Hamburg
In Love Franki


I would like to briefly report on my first meeting with Lady Jose from the Netherlands.

On a morning I set off from Hamburg to Rotterdam.Yes, a long way for a beating...

There was a really lovely welcome and there was immediately a safe atmosphere...

Lady Jose is particularly friendly and takes away your excitement...you know... there's going to be a beating...

Lady Jose tells me she will spank me strictly but with love because naughty little boys need it so much...No sooner said than done...I got a wonderful beating...over the knee...on the bed...The lady beat the shit out of me with the belt (there was a beating for about an hour).. .thanks Lady Jose..

At the end I put some cream on my bottom and we had a nice chat over a piece of cake...

I'm going to visit Lady Jose again and get my ass beaten black and blue...

best wishes from Hamburg

In love Franki


I was lucky/sensible enough to book my second session with Lady Jose at a US spanking party in June of 2024, and will book her every time forever more.

She is not just an elegant, intelligent, and sophisticated woman, she is the woman we all fantasized about spanking us when those thoughts first arose. She's technicallyamazing (that hand!) and will have you squirming in no time. But her demeanor is also perfect, and I experienced this time what I did last time - while in the moment wondering when the spanking would end, I felt so very safe and knew that she would push my limits without ever crossing them.

Lady Jose is a lovely human being, a phenomenal spanker, and I highly recommend her services to any ladies or gentlemen in need of a sore bottom. I can't wait for my next time!

Mark, Texas, USA. June 2024


I had the absolute pleasure of meeting up with Lady Jose recently for a session. I was fairly nervous it being my first time, but lady Jose put me completely at ease with her warm and kind nature.
After chatting about what I wanted from our time together we started the spanking I had always wanted .

Totally unhurried, and from clothed to a bare bottom spanking it was an intense incredible experience from start to end .
With a warm up across my clothes to lady Jose embarrassingly taking down my shorts and then pants, she expertly (obviously) gave me a fantastic spanking. Always making sure I was ok being my first time and with safe words
By the end I wanted to lie across her lap all afternoon
A hand spanking OTK, followed by the bath brush and finally a few with the belt, my own, which I foolishly took off.
The bath brush was difficult to take but again lady Jose made sure I was ok

It was an incredible experience with an amazing woman.
I would never see another person other than Lady Jose. Obviously she will spank you as hard as you want, and use whatever implements you want, but for me as a novice it was perfect.

Jonny, Hastings UK June 2024


I found myself in the same city as Lady Jose and despite my nervousness - I hadn't gone OTK in quite some time I knew I had to reach to arrange a session.

Lady Jose was immediately extremely friendly and comforting, a great communicator who put my mind at ease.

Our session started with a quick conversation, once again she made me feel super comfortable but when she flipped the switch it was clear who was really in charge.

Her leg lock made sure she had no trouble keeping me over her lap no matter how much I squirmed, her scolding put me in the proper mind set and let me tell you, her hand hurts almost as much as her ebony hairbrush.

After my spanking, Lady Jose provided excellent aftercare.

I couldn't recommend her enough!

Boy, (Las Vegas, USA Feb 2024)


I have had two appointments with Lady Jose. Both were great.

At the first appointment I was very stressed at first but Lady Jose took great care of me.

At the very beginning we talked for a few minutes, it made me feel more relaxed. Then it was time for the spanking.

At first, a classic hand spanking, put over the knee.

The hand spanking was really strong. Lady Jose has a heavy hand.

Then it was time for the belt. The spanking was very painful. It was my first real spanking in my life. So I didn't know what to expect.

Although it really hurt I felt great.

Lady Jose during the spanking is strict but very caring.

She knows how to read your body. Lady is a very understanding and loving person.

Lady Jose doesn't treat you as another customer she has to give a spanking to.

She takes care of you and takes care of you during the session. Which makes you feel really comfortable.

The second time I also got a spanking with hand and a belt. The first spanking was nothing next to the second.

I got a spanking with four different belts, including one of my own ! The spanking was very painful. I didn't think my body could take so much. I had trouble sitting down for a few days.

She is a true professional.

Being in the presence of Lady jose is a pleasure.

I highly recommend using her services. You will definitely not be disappointed.

Belter, (Holland, April 2024)


Had the best time meeting Lady Jose in Dubai

I was looking for a Strict Headmistress and after a quick chat Lady Jose fully understood the brief and went into full teacher mode.

She is strict but caring but trust me she knows how to spank, and the black ebony hairbrush will certainly get you attention.

After corner time 50 stripes with the cane were administered too my bottom, everyone left a knowing sting but after the head space was just perfect.

If ever you're looking for a Strict Teacher Lady Jose is for you but trust me, you'll be eating your tea standing up that night.

A very happy naughty boy. (Dubai, March 2024)


Lady Jose is someone who truly loves spanking and it shows the second you meet her.

She takes her time in getting to know her clients, understand what they need, and make sure she gives them an unforgettable experience.

Firstly, she is a very attractive lady with a strong but beautiful figure.

She’s also an incredibly warm person. You will likely feel just as comfortable chatting with her over tea as you will going over her knee.

The magic happens once you go over her knee. She’s got a very strong hand and knows just how far to push the pace to make sure you get what you need. You can tell she’s very experienced in spanking and gauging reactions.

The session was the best OTK experience I’ve had and you can tell Lady Jose loves to spank.

I would encourage players of all levels to experience a session with her for yourself!

Wayne, (Los Angeles, USA February 2024)


I am a guy who finds it a bit to explain my emotions and be truthful to these emotions, I am kinda an introvert and don't really know to express myself well to people, so usually first meetings are hard for me but next meetings are even harder.

This isn't the case with Lady Jose because this isn't the first time she spanked me nor the 2nd but I hope it will never be the last, because she is someone that I trust and someone who knows exactly what I want without me explaining myself again and again, she knows about my cheekiness and she knows how to control it, but let's talk about what's important "The Punishment".

It was extremely painful but it was exactly what I needed because I needed to feel pain and I needed someone that I can trust to give me that amount of pain, her scolding is unmatched, her hand spanking is work of art, her hairbrush spanking, her, her, her, and I can simply go on and on about what a great time I had and how much I'm looking for my next punishment whenever Lady Jose is in Dubai

I honestly can't thank you enough for accepting me and for treating me exactly how I should be treated and deal with me exactly how I should be dealt with, you aren't a normal person Lady Jose you are someone that impacted my life in a very positive way.

Yours sincerely,

Cheeky Babyboy (Dubai, UAE March 2024)


In the city of sin, Las Vegas, a good friend decided that my naughty college boy alter ego needed attention, so she fit me into her busy schedule and had me come to her hotel room for a private discussion.

What ensued was classic domestic discipline, from a genuine scolding specifically tailored to that guy, to complete baring of the college boy's bottom, to a significant, but not brutal, spanking, paddling, strapping and hairbrushing.

It felt so meaningful because I know Jose is fond of the grown, responsible person she goes out of her way to give verbal support.

It's not about Lady Jose, it's about the person to whom she is giving her athletic, charming self.

She is a caring, real person, which makes her great for "play."

Brad, (Las Vegas, USA February 2024)


We started early Sunday morning before my flight out of town, Lady Jose immediately took control of the room.

She statedin no uncertainterms that I was in for some just discipline because of my actions.

A major digress on my part was changing the day and time of our meeting, not a wise move by me.

Her solution to this error on my part was a cold caning to start our day.

After the painful caningstrokes she took me OTK for some incrediblehard hand swaths.

How does she have these wicked hands that do not seem to stop?

Next was a variety of positions and implements. The most memorable was the Canadian prison strap,

Dave's paddles and Lady Jose strap, Some of the positions she used were, OTK. diaper, hands and knees, bent over and standing.

Believe me that she took me to my limit and I was still wanting more. All of this was followed by a warm hug.

Really can't wait to see her again.

K- (Minneapolis, USA February 2024)


I was at the Oasis spanking party in Vegas in February 2024 when I met Lady Jose. It was at a reception one evening. I was having a cocktail, and nearly dropped it when I saw her for the first time.

What a gorgeous woman! Tall. Sexy. Strong yet Feminine.  

I knew in that instance that I wanted to be across her lap.

When the opportunity arose to meet her, I found a very charming, articulate woman, with whom I could converse on a variety of topics, but most of all, spanking.

We made arrangements to meet later. It was the best decision I made that entire weekend. I found myself across Lady Jose’s lap multiple times and delighted in the fantastic spankings that she gave. I couldn’t get enough of her right hand!

Beforehand she had listened to what I wanted and needed and she delivered on everything.

Lady Jose is truly amazing.

I will be back for more.

J. (California USA, February 2024)


Lady Jose is a fantastic spanker! Her OTK hand spankings are amazing. She has a very strong hand. She is also a good role player and great with the hairbrush (my favorite).

You will definitely want to go back for more.

Phil (Nevada USA, February 2024)


„I have visited Lady Jose three times now. On each visit she has been very caring and attuned to my wishes and fantasies. You can tell that she really cares about creating a realistic and domestic atmosphere for roleplays and her caring nature is a big part of creating this atmosphere. She makes me feel safe and understood. But despite her friendly nature she manages to give you the spanking you long for and deserve so much.


Thank you, Mommy Jose“

Seb (Germany)


I've been thinking about spanking for 40 years, and never had a chance to make it happen until recently when I came across Lady Jose'sweb site.

My wife wrote a letter to Lady Jose to tell her why I needed that spanking and we took this appointment.

I can tell you that, when the day came, pushing that door took me a lot of self talking, my feelings were a mix of fear and excitement.

Don't we say "be carefulabout what you expect, it might happen ?" This has never been so true.

After some chat about us and why I was finally seated on that sofa, she directed me to her office and after some lecture was soon over her laps receivingthe deserved punishment.

It is difficult to describe that feeling of vulnerability.
Hand would have been sufficient, but hairbrush took it to anotherlevel.

If like me you were looking for THE experience, Lady Jose is for sure the right person to give you what you expect. This was my first spanking but for sure not the last one.

J.  (Canada October 2023)


Gisteren bij Lady José geweest.

Na een hartelijke ontvangst met een versnapering is het spel daarna begonnen.

Ze is geen klokkijker en nam haar tijd.

Ik wilde graag schooljongen directrice als spel doen en over de knie genomen worden en Spanking krijgen op de blote billen .

En ook over de schooltafel gebogen en met de mattenklopper en uiteindelijk ook nog met de cane nou dat was naar wens .

Van te voren nog een stopwoord besproken maar deze dame houd je lichaam goed in de gaten en als het even wat minder moet dan past ze het aan zodat je het stopwoord niet hoeft te gebruiken.

Wat een ongelofelijk ervaring .

Dank u wel Juf en tot gauw.

Gr uw leerling Arie (Amsterdam October 2023)


Already twice I had the privilige of meeting the wonderful Lady Jose for a spanking, but after seeing one of her beautiful pictures on fetlife with a cane I was triggered again.

So I grabbed the phone and arranged to meet this amazing lady for a strict caning.

When the day arrived I was feeling nervous driving over to her studio.

Lady Jose however managed to calm me down with the tone of her voice and we had a very pleasant conversation over a cup of tea.

But then it was time.

I undressed, bended over, and received a truely amazing strict caning that colored my rear like never before and provided me with fond memories of this true Goddess of spanking in the weeks after every time I sat down.

I would recommend 5* out of 5 on fetadvisor.

Cpt Kink (Amsterdam, the Netherlands Oktober 2023)


Het is weer zover, op appel bij de juffrouw.

Mijn dwaze daad gaf mij snel veel berrouw.

De juffrouw kent maar een juiste strafmaat.

Je broek naar beneden terwijl je naast haar staat.

Zittend op een stoel legt ze je over haar benen.

Haar hand slaat zo hard dat je begint te wenen.

Na deze billenkoek komt ze af met haar haarbortstels.

De pijn die je dan krijgt gaat tot diep in je wortels.

Nu moet de echte les nog komen want de cane wacht u op.

En deze laatste sessie is als het beklimmen van een bergtop.

Kortom het was bij de juffrouw weer sidderen en beven.

Maar Lady Jose is wel het unieke geluk in mijn leven.

Bart, (Antwerpen Belgium Oktober 2023)


As a man my 40’s, despite my long held spanking fantasies, Lady Jose is the first disciplinarian I’ve visited.

My nervousness preventing me making the plunge before, and my experience visiting Lady Jose couldn’t have gone better.

Lady Jose told exactly me what I needed to hear, that she would look after me but I would get a good proper spanking, and she delivered on both.

I have had the good fortune of being spanked twice now by Lady Jose and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to anyone looking for a female disciplinarian.

Dave from Brighton UK (July 2023)


Ok, I confess.

I was a little scared.

Lady Jose and I have been friends for some time.

I admire everything about her and love her videos. I often dreamed what it would feel like to be over her lap.

I was about to find out.

We were sharing coffee and a wonderful conversation when my phone rang. I took the call and

although I signaled I would be only two minutes, it took much longer. Lady Jose gave me a look that said

she was not pleased and when I hung up, ordered me to report to her room in 15 minutes where she

intended to deal with my behavior.

Now, I’m not a wise ass with my Disciplinarians.

I strive to be more of a warrior for them than a naughty boy. After all, they help me to be a better person. But when she opened the door and I saw her,

I was ready to be anything she wanted me to be.

Lady Jose is a beautiful woman. Eye contact alone with her is enough to stop you in your tracks.

She was now dressed as a classic Disciplinarian: white blouse, black skirt, sheer black stockings and

beautiful Christian Louboutin heels.

Her hair was pulled up onto the top of her head and her sleeves rolled up. Her eyes locked on mine, she pointed to her waist. Around it was a thick, black leather strap.

Clearly, I was about to suffer the consequences of displeasing her.

She sat down in a chair, motioned for me to come closer and took off my pants. Once again,

eyes locked, she pointed to her lap. I immediately placed myself over it and with a sublime sense of

strength and authority, positioned me where she wanted me and ordered me to kiss her hand.

You can imagine what a spanking is going to feel like all you want but can only know when it

actually begins. Remember, I strive to be the stoic warrior but it was immediately evident that Lady Jose

was going to test me. No warmup: she began to administer one of the hardest hand spankings I’ve ever

been given. But no matter how severe they may be, the really good Disciplinarians keep you safe as well.

So it was within minutes that I exhaled, went limp and gave every piece of myself to Lady Jose.

Of course, I knew she’d only just begun. My hand spanking was followed by ten minutes with

her hairbrush: another test. Again, not just a hairbrush spanking but a hard hairbrush spanking. The

harder she hit me the safer I felt. I was truly all hers.

I could tell she was having fun too. After the hairbrush spanking, we stood up and she hugged

  1. Had she forgotten something? Absolutely not. She moved a pillow to the middle of the bed and

unbuckled her belt. I knew what she wanted me to do and I did it. Just when I thought I couldn’t get any

happier, she began a 10 minute strapping. I was in heaven.

Finally, she again did something all the really good Disciplinarians do: they bring you back. She

sat on the bed, put my head on her shoulder and told me how pleased she was with me. I am more

grateful than I can say that I’ve gotten to know Lady Jose and can’t wait to see her again!

Chris, (New York, USA, June 2023)